Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas

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Enero 2023

Para eso mejor un seminario sobre Paradise Lost, así los mansitos aprenden cosas cool en vez de meterse a rapeador travesti.

Petr Hampl Who Actually Governs Us? A Sociologist’s View
James Lindsay Surviving a Modern Struggle Session
New Discourses


Febrero 2023

Se fue invicto el man contra los 15.

R. H. S. Crossman Apocalypse at Dresden
Esquire Magazine
The long suppressed story of the worst massacre in the history of the world.


Marzo 2023

Fotocortesía de mi amiga, la otra Sandra.

Richard Knight Multiculturalism, brainwashing and psychological abuse
The Occidental Observer
Suddenly everything fell into place for Bloedow when he remembered hearing of this phenomenon before. He had once attended a lecture given by someone from the Council on Mind Abuse about cults, brainwashing and mind-control, where the speaker had said that a principal aim of brainwashing was to get people to stop using their minds and start thinking with their hearts. He had explained how mind-controllers try to get people to see their minds and rational thought as their enemies.
TIA correspondence desk Church Condemnations of the French Revolution
Tradition in Action

We are sorry you could not find the condemnations of the Church against the French Revolution and the Declaration of Rights of Man.

These condemnations were easy to find, however, in our first search. Indeed, here is what Wikipedia affirms:

“At the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, Pius VI witnessed the suppression of the old Gallican Church as well as the confiscation of pontifical and ecclesiastical possessions in France. He saw the events as a sign of opposition against the social order ordained by God and also viewed it as a conspiracy against the Church. The Pope condemned both the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen and the Civil Constitution of the Clergy and supported a league against the Revolution. He issued two briefs - Quod aliquantum (1791) and Caritas (1791) - to condemn the ecclesiastical reforms that were proposed.”

The main document by Pope Pius VI vigorously condemning the French Revolution is the brief Quares lacrymae, which you may read here. If you go to § 8 you can read the condemnation of the principal rights of man defended by the French Revolution.

For more documents of the Magisterium on the same subject matter, you may read:

  • Quanta cura and Qui pluribus by Pius IX, passim;
  • Immortale Dei by Leo XIII, §§ 5, 11, 12, 16, 20, 37, 38, 39;
  • Mirari vos by Gregory XVI, passim;
  • Radio-message of Christmas 1949 by Pius XII, § 28.
TIA correspondence desk
Alex Pappademas The Exquisite Darkness of Depeche Mode
The New York Times


Abril 2023

Katatonia completo, obvio. Pero, ¿qué hacer con el satanismo del inicio? Ni idea. No sé qué hacer con montones de cosas.

Brenton Sanderson Tristan Tzara and the Jewish Roots of Dada

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

The Occidental Observer
The Cabaret Voltaire was created by the German anarchist poet and pianist Hugo Ball in Zurich in 1916. Rented from its Jewish owner, Jan Ephraim, and with start-up funds provided by a Jewish patroness, Käthe Brodnitz, the Cabaret was established in a seedy part of the city and intended as a place for entertainment and avant-garde culture, where music was played, artwork was exhibited, and poetry was recited. Some of this poetry was later published in the Cabaret’s periodical entitled Dada, which soon became Tristan Tzara’s responsibility. In it he propagated the principles of Dadaist derision, declaring that: “Dada is using all its strength to establish the idiotic everywhere. Doing it deliberately. And is constantly tending towards idiocy itself. … The new artist protests; he no longer paints (this is only a symbolic and illusory reproduction).”[21]


Mayo 2023

Es el fin. Ahora sí.

Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn Modern Errors
MHT Seminary Courses Online
A Study of the philosophical errors of recent centuries which have contributed to Modernism and the reform of Vatican II.


Junio 2023

El mito con los hustlers de diCorcia.

Frank de Varona and Alex Newman U.S. Globalists Put Castro in Power and Kept Him There
The New American
June 7, 2018
They could not claim ignorance. Consider what happened at the 1948 Organization of American States (OAS) meeting in Bogotá, Colombia. On April 9 of that year, communists burst onto the scene to disrupt the meeting in bloody fashion. A 21-year-old Fidel Castro took part in the horror show, seizing a radio station and shouting, “This is a Communist revolution.” Castro and other communists murdered hundreds of innocent people while setting fires and wreaking havoc. He was arrested and charged with murder. But instead of repenting, he boasted, “I did a good work today; I killed a priest.” Colombian authorities deported him.


Julio 2023

La señora se llama Ursula Haverbeck.

Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn On the Good Use of Time

Pride: The Greatest Obstacle to the Grace of God

Roman Catholic Media
Harold Robertson Complex Systems Won’t Survive the Competence Crisis
Palladium Magazine
By the 1960s, the systematic selection for competence came into direct conflict with the political imperatives of the civil rights movement. During the period from 1961 to 1972, a series of Supreme Court rulings, executive orders, and laws—most critically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964—put meritocracy and the new political imperative of protected-group diversity on a collision course. Administrative law judges have accepted statistically observable disparities in outcomes between groups as prima facie evidence of illegal discrimination. The result has been clear: any time meritocracy and diversity come into direct conflict, diversity must take priority.
Marian T. Horvat Should Women Become Bible Scholars?
Tradition in Action
Salwa Bachar Council for Inclusive Capitalism

Part I. An In-Depth Look at this ‘Novelty’

Part II. Inclusive Capitalism & Pan-Religion

Part III. Standardized Metrics & Environment Reporting

Tradition in Action
This series is meant to show why this Council is important and why Catholics should be extremely concerned that the Vatican is blessing this initiative, one that seems to have gone mostly unnoticed. The series will give an in-depth look at the Council: its background, its founding principles and how they conflict with Catholic doctrine, as well as its terminology, goals and means of achieving them, and its latest activity.
Greg Johnson Remembering Carl Schmitt (July 11, 1888–April 7, 1985)
Mark Gullick Greg Johnson’s The Trial of Socrates
Ricardo Duchesne Blame Liberal Pluralism for the Impending Ethnocide of Europeans
What follows is a quick journey through the legislative history of liberalism from the time of Locke to the present to convey the “liberating” logic of this ideology. I will focus on Britain, the nation most closely identified with the origins of classical liberalism, but also on the United States, the heartland of racial integration, and on Canada, the heartland of multicultural immigrant liberalism.
F. Roger Devlin Political Communication for Dissidents
The Occidental Observer
Robert S. Griffin An Exchange with a Newspaper Reporter
The Occidental Observer
Thomas F. Bertonneau Gnosticism from a Non-Voegelinian Perspective, Part I
The Brussels Journal
Plotinus notices that the Gnostics avoid giving definitions or explanations. Thus while the Gnostics claim moral superiority to other people, they disdain any discussion of virtue: “We are not told [by the illuminati] what virtue is or under what different kinds it appears; there is no word of all the numerous and noble reflections upon it that have come down to us from the ancients.” If anyone were to inquire directly of the Gnostics about these matters, the Gnostics would reply with their cryptic, “Look to God.” The Gnostic exclusion of the literary archive is particularly striking. In addition to being antinomian and anticosmic in their disposition, the Gnostics, as Plotinus describes them, are also anti-historical. The phrase, “Look to God,” irritates Plotinus because God, in his understanding, is rational and provides definitions and explanations, at least by indirection through his works. Plato’s dialogues are famous for Socrates’ insistence on defining terms precisely.


Agosto 2023

Me voy a comprar una x, eso es lo que me voy a comprar.

Alberto Buela Meinvielle y las dimensiones del hombre
Canal TLV1
Hans Vogel Climate Lunacy Enthroned
The Unz Review
Robert S. Griffin Why I Write (Or Wrote) on White Racial Matters
The Occidental Observer
Plinio Corrêa de Oliviera Organicity & Spontaneity in Man & Societies
Tradition in Action
The man of common sense goes to an orthopedist, who indicates to him a gadget, shoe or some other such device that helps him to correct that defect. Thus, after a while the process repairs the defect and the use of his foot is restored to the closest degree of normality possible.


Septiembre 2023

Obvio, mejor wlvx que panas.

Αριστείδης Hoy escuché en las noticias que septiembre es el mes más lluvioso del año.


Octubre 2023

No puede ser que no hay nadie en este país que me pueda hacer un pantalón.

Julio Garrido El Islam, ¿empresa judía? La crítica histórica y los orígenes de la religión musulmana
Revista Verbo

Después de hecho este estudio previo se dio cuenta que por su esfuerzo intelectualy su análisis había obtenido un orden análogo al preconizado por el gran islamólogo Noldke, demostrando una vez más que en todo trabajo bien hecho los investigadores llegan a resultados concordantes y que la afición desmedida a tener en cuenta los trabajos de los demás antes de emprender una investigación impide muchas veces este género de comprobaciones por confluencia de los resultados de investigadores independientes. El P. Théry trabajó siempre independientemente de los otros investigadores sobre los documentos originales y solamente después de llegar a sus conclusiones personales estudiaba los trabajos de los que le habíao precedido.

Mayo-junio-julio, 1973, Número 115-116

TIA Correspondence Desk Wholesome & Relaxing Recreation for Exhausted Catholics
Tradition in Action
Marian T. Horvat Tips on Choosing a University and the Catholic Extended Family
Tradition in Action
Marian Horvat & Elizabeth Lozowski What Should a Young Lady Do after She Graduates?
Tradition in Action
Some of the occupations that in times past were – and remain so today – acceptable for young ladies to pursue are nurse, teacher, seamstress, laundress, housemaid, nursemaid, governess, cook (for a private home, not restaurants or other public places). Such occupations will serve to foster the necessary skills a young woman will need to run a home – an art essential for all women, regardless of vocation. When the Industrial Revolution entered the scenario, women entered the “working world” as factory workers and the “business world” in secretarial positions. Neither occupation is to be recommended.
James Lindsay The Hard Truth About Struggle Sessions
New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 69
The hard truth of the struggle session is that there’s no coming back from capitulating to one. People can understand the pressures and the evil of the dynamic, but you still show yourself and those in your corner that under pressure you are faithless. Meanwhile, bystanders accept your confession as proof of your guilt, which not only places you in the category of criminal in their minds but also justifies the contrived terms upon which you were accused. Finally, your tormenter who is struggling you just knows they can break you, so they’ll continue to do so, mocking you that your confession wasn’t sincere enough. It’s losing all the way around. It’s bargaining away part of your soul for reprieve that you won’t really get.


Noviembre 2023

Cada cuatro horas el fin del mundo.

Tomado del WordReference "Pander"
Pander (person: indulges others) (con alguien) consentidor, indulgente, (procurer) proxeneta, chulo, (MX) padrote, (AR, PE, PY, UY) cafichio. Also, panderer. One who finds clients for a prostitute. One who caters, appeals to or profits from the weaknesses or vices of others. A person who caters for vulgar desires, esp in order to make money. A go-between in amorous intrigues.

Etymology: 16th Century (n) Middle English name Pandare Pandarus 1325–75, earlier pandar(e)

Synonyms: grovel, pimp, procure, procurer, whoremonger, white slaver, satisfy.

Pander on, pander to distract us from, pander to the lowest common denominator, pander/patronize, a pander to the monks, Those newspapers pander to the public's lowest desires: greed and sex.
Tomado del Diccionario de la lengua española en línea "Consentidor"
Que consiente algo, debiendo y pudiendo evitarlo. Permitir algo o condescender en que se haga. Mimar a los hijos, ser muy indulgente con los niños o con los inferiores. Acatar una resolución judicial o administrativa sin interponer contra ella los recursos disponibles. Soportar, tolerar algo, resistirlo.

Sinónimos: permitir, autorizar, tolerar, aceptar, admitir, condescender, acceder, conceder, asentir, facultar, mimar, malcriar, maleducar, regalonear, achechar, achichiguar.

Antónimos: rechazar, impedir, oponerse, prohibir.
Andrew Anglin Rest in Peace: Human Rights Activist Ted Kaczynski Dead at 81

The CIA is Running Wikipedia (Wow, What a Shocker)

Feminists Would Protest “Material Girl” in the Current Year

“The Departed” and My Irish Identity

Clarification on the Fundamental Importance of Ritual and Personal Prayer

Yes, Misery is the Natural State of Man. And That’s Fine

Don’t Badger Your Family

Blink-182’s New Album and the Hermeneutics of AI Suspicion

Alcoholism is a Hoax, You Gay Retard

France: Major Controversy Ensues After Teacher Shows Moslems Nude Renaissance Painting

“Pope” Francis to Listen to “Alternative Catholic Synod” Demanding He Allow Women to be Priests

Taking Cues from the Pope, Indiana Women’s Catholic College to Allow Trannies

Pope Francis to Allow Trannies to Get Baptized, Become Godparents

Pope Invites 120 Trannies to Lunch at the Vatican

Conor McGregor Declaring Himself King of Ireland is a Matter of Historical Necessity

Prague: Mass Shooting! 15+ Killed! Did You Guess Moslem??? Ukrainian???

The Ukraine Recruiting Staff to Contain Army’s Mental Health Crisis

Estonia: Survey Says Young Boys Getting More Based, Rejecting Feminism

Shock as Migrants Say They’re Not Seeking “Asylum” But Economic Opportunities

Daily Stormer
Everything about the way the world works is free to see from observation.
Eutifrón Apuntes sobre el Nacionalismo Católico argentino
Caminante Wanderer
José Miguel Alemán H. Coyuntura

Y los muertos anónimos, ¿qué?

La Estrella de Panamá
Dora Edith Sánchez-Pothá La autonomía de los pacientes
La Estrella de Panamá
Alguien La nueva universidad
In theory, there are a few ways you can undercut traditional brick and mortar universities. Going online like Peterson is doing is a no brainer, since it means you don't have to hire janitorial [= conserjería.] staff or other maintenance for physical property. You also don't need to buy property to put the campus on in the first place. He wouldn't be the first to do an online university, although most online universities *are* scams. After that, the next way to save money would be to cut administrative costs. Universities do actually spend too damn much on diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, and even non-DEI administrative positions are paying way too damn much. No position at a university should ever pay more than a full professor, because no administrator is working harder than the guy that has to manage research, lecturing, AND service to the university in committee positions. I've seen how hard these people work, and anyone being paid more than them needs a pay cut. Next, you could probably cut research. If you're only doing bachelor's degree programs, you don't necessarily need your professors doing anything other than teaching and grading papers. Granted, this means less opportunities for undergrads to get a taste of whether they should be considering grad school, but hey... if all we care about is whether students meet a particular set of educational standards, you could make your university just "high school, but actually challenging". After that though... I don't know. You're pretty much a degree mill at this point.
John Carter How Weaponry Organises Society
Postcards From Barsoom
Redacción El Instrumentum Laboris: manual de psicología sinodal
El instrumento en español

El artículo completo en francés
Rabbi Mark Gottlieb A Jewish Theology of Resurrection
First Things
Eugene Rabkin Why You Feel Alienated from Luxury Fashion (It’s Not Just the Prices)
Autor 'Paradigm Shift': Francis Issues Disastrous Motu Proprio Aimed at Theological Revolution
Novus Ordo Watch
Under the pretext of not wanting to end up in “isolation and insignificance”, Francis is willing to expose Sacred Theology to complete dissolution by making it transdisciplinary, that is, by mixing it with other fields of knowledge. It is a sure way of making theology as irrelevant as could be. The erasing of borders — whether they be physical or conceptual — inevitably leads to dissolution precisely because any entity is defined, among other things, by that which sets it apart from everything else. By becoming transdisciplinary, theology would then no longer be its own science proper but, in an effort to appear relevant to modern man and his obsession with natural science, be drowned in a sea of perpetual “dialogue” that would ultimately yield nothing but verbose pseudo-theology bound to alienate any clear-thinking human being.

Francis’ wish that theology “make use of new categories elaborated by other knowledge in order to penetrate and communicate the truths of faith and transmit the teaching of Jesus in today’s languages with originality and critical awareness” rests on a fundamental error of the New Theology (Nouvelle Théologie) that was condemned by Pope Pius XII in 1950, namely, that dogma exists independently of the concepts used to express it, and new concepts — more in line with the modern mind — can be substituted for the old ones.
Mark Brahmin The Caducean phenomenon
The Apollonian Transmission
¿Que Mercurio se llevó las qué de Apolo?


Diciembre 2023

So, estábamos parkeando, no ya tan bien por la competencia y para terminar de joder, la salida era subiendo por un muro parecido al primer Batman de Christian Bale, pero en onda la nave de Arrival, la de los aliens que dizque hablaban con la tipa esa pfffffft. El trip era irse agarrando y saltando de cuerdas bien serpentosas en la pared hasta fucking llegar al último piso, QUE ERA EL SPOT.

Ron Unz The Nakba and the Holocaust
The Unz Review
Michael Hoffman Memo to Pope Francis: "God cannot and does not bless sin"
Michael Hoffman's Revelation of the Method


  • Beau Willimon, House of Cards (2013-2018)
  • Tom Ford, Nocturnal Animals (2016)
  • Depeche Mode, Memento Mori (2023)
  • Host, IX (2023)


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