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Enero 2022

Compulsory universal government psychotherapy is not education.

Bill Still The Money Masters The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. Documental subtitulado en español, 1996.
James Giordano The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
Modern War Institute
Dr. James Giordano, Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program and Scholar-in-Residence in the Pellegrino Center for Clinical Bioethics at Georgetown University, speaks to cadets and faculty about how advancements in neuroscience and neurotechnology will impact the future of war. This event was hosted by the Modern War Institute at West Point, October 29, 2018.
P. Antonio J. Gómez Mir El Syllabus de Pío IX
Stat Crux
El Syllabus errorum complectens praecipuos nostrae aetatis errores ("Listado recopilatorio de los principales errores de nuestro tiempo"), conocido simplemente como Syllabus, es un documento de ochenta puntos, publicado por la Santa Sede en 1864, durante el papado de Pío IX, al mismo tiempo que la encíclica Quanta cura.
Entre los documentos del Magisterio Eclesiástico que contienen doctrina política, o más propiamente, principios católicos para la política, acaso no hay ninguno que tenga tanto relieve como el Syllabus de Pío IX. Tuvo tanta importancia que se ha dicho de él que después de la bula Unam Sanctam de Bonifacio VIII y de la bula Unigenitus de Clemente XI, no había documento del Magisterio Eclesiástico que hubiera producido tan honda impresión y provocado tantas reacciones.


Febrero 2022

El intento de suprimir el conflicto es una pretensión utópica y contraproducente. En el Antiguo Testamento Dios pone enemistad entre la descendencia de la serpiente y la mujer, y el Nuevo Testamento muestra a Jesús abiertamente hostil contra los cambistas y mercaderes que se habían apoderado del templo, por ello Carl Schmitt se pregunta cómo es que el liberalismo suprime la existencia de hostilidad entre los hombres.

Cardenal Joseph Zen ¿Qué podemos hacer en esta situación?
Observatorio Van Thuân
Ya ha salido el XIII Informe sobre la Doctrina social de la Iglesia en el mundo del Observatorio Cardenal Van Thuân [Cantagalli, Siena 2021, pp. 222, 16 euros]. Este año está dedicado al “modelo chino”, un modelo de capital-socialismo de control social construido en China pero que se está exportando a todo el mundo. En muchos aspectos, el modelo chino ya está aquí, en Occidente, también en Italia: el nuevo socialismo financiero, el Gran Reseteo de Davos, los ataques a la propiedad privada, el control de los movimientos con la excusa de la salud, la congelación de la democracia, la superación de las religiones en una única religión.


Marzo 2022


Liz Reisberg Diagnóstico de la educación superior en Panamá: Retos y oportunidades
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo
Marzo de 2021


Abril 2022

Es como las vacas. Es igual que con las plantas. Es como cuando...

Michael DeSaye Interview with Former Novus Ordo Priest
Novus Ordo Watch
4. I was personally astonished to discover how many times, and with such great force, the popes and saints condemned the errors of Vatican II (please email me for a detailed list of these teachings). In reflecting on the reason why I did not learn these teachings in seminary, it became evident that the academic program for priests has taken great care to remove certain aspects of the previous magisterium, saints, and doctors of the Church because they are not in conformity with Vatican II. This is the principal reason why I am currently seeking additional formation at Most Holy Trinity Seminary.
Randy Engel When Physicians Turn Murderers: A Lesson From the Past
AKA Catholic
There is obviously no quick fix for the deadly medical holocaust we are facing worldwide, but I think that Alexander was on to something when he talked about separate and independent non-governmental clinics or hospitals or other forms of medical facilities where doctors have taken and abide by the Hippocratic oath; where healing is recognized as an art form not a business or corporate function; where patients can truly get informed before consent; where abortion, euthanasia, and all forms of eugenics are condemned; where staff advocates can assist all, most especially, the elderly and disabled patient in obtaining both life-giving and life-saving treatments for acute and chronic diseases – in short – full, prolife medical facilities like those we see most often associated with groups like Birthright which help mothers and their preborn children.


Mayo 2022

¿Qué significa «operativo»?

VV.AA. Vocabulario
Diccionario de la Lengua Española (DLE), Diccionario de Americanismos (ASALE), Urban Dictionary y Wikipedia
Internet Gestos varios de la presidenta Mireya Moscoso (1999-2004)
Pajarear ¿Qué significa «pajarear»?
Stephen Coughlin and Richard Higgins Re-Remembering the Mis-Remembered Left: The Left’s Strategy and Tactics To Transform America©
Unconstrained Analytics
When associated with rising factional discord, the increased hostility from the Left resonates a violence that is becoming a clear and present danger. This paper will provide an estimate of the current situation that transcends well-travelled two-party political narratives. The objective is to provide a strategic understanding of the Left that baselines the current situation to enable directionality, predictability, and actionability. To that end, the estimate will use a political warfare analysis to reframe the political environment in order to provide timely anticipatory situational awareness in support of decision-making. February 2019.


Junio 2022

Yo mismo pero mejor.

No, no, no, nono no
Yo eso se lo DIJE al pájaro pero él no hace caso
Lo que pasa que él escucha pero selectivamente

Pajarinis, prepárate: se acerca el fin

Qué desgracia
Qué vergüenza



Julio 2022

Gen EL @Gen05761427 Jun 13 Replying to @DerorCurrency @ne_na_ni_na_na And few notice that obvious idiocy is just another cunning distraction to keep the ½ awake believing their primary psyop lies like "genetic modification" nonsense (they can never do!). It's ALL 'bone pointing' spell craft for maximum nocebo effect! [Voodoo Death: A Scientific Perspective May 21, 2021 Jamie Hale Accounts of voodoo death are taken from anecdotes, case studies, and anthropological records. In his paper, “Voodoo Death,” Cannon illustrates case reports and highlights interviews with anthropologists and others living with primitive people who have experienced voodoo death. The paper highlights the often-frightening nature of voodoo death. These events, reported around the world, had several features in common. They were all induced by a belief that an external force—such as a wizard, shaman-like figure, or medicine man—could cause death, and the victim had no power to alter this outcome. This perceived lack of control over a powerful external force is common in all the cases Cannon described. Cannon asserted that voodoo death is a very real phenomenon that can be attributed to high levels of emotional stress that leads to negative physiological outcomes. Is there a scientific basis that could explain deaths seemingly caused by supernatural entities?]

Urban Hannon The Politics of Hell
The Josias
Es eso sí.


Agosto 2022

Un huracán de malignidad en el lado de los mortales. Y lo peor es que ese final diabólico me provocó una minidepresión como de tres meses a principios de año. Pero, ¿de qué año? ¿A qué día es que estamos hoy?

Carol Byrne The Phantom Charge of ‘Clericalism’
Tradition in Action
Dialogue Mass - CXVIII
Andrew Anglin A Report on the Moronality of Evil
Daily Stormer
All over the right-wing internet you find people tying themselves up into pretzels trying to explain how the ZOG regime is secretly competent, and you end up with people claiming that the US government is purposefully trying to empower Russia and China, as there is no other way to explain the behavior of the Brandon Administration. However, if you actually go through all of this stuff logically, you end up at the conclusion that the government is not competent, that the people running it are stupid, and the whole thing is totally unsustainable. This lines up with the conclusion that low morality correlates with low intelligence, and moreover, it is a hopeful message, as it means that there is a clock on just how long these evil people are going to be able to maintain power over the Western world. It also implies that the new order that will rise after the fall of this current order will be a moral order run by moral people, as moral people are going to be the ones with the intelligence to seize power.

Acá una versión en PDF porque este sitio a cada rato lo tumban y se pierden las cosas.


Septiembre 2022

[Junto con Man of Steel, Scott Pilgrim y el doble inicio de Alien (Prometheus y Covenant)] Me di cuenta que todos los años veo The Devil Wears Prada.

Fr. Chad Ripperger The Influence of Music
Sensus Fidelium
Allan Bloom lo explica también, pero solamente con Platón.

En retrospectiva, el canto de cisne (1) de los homos y su subcultura "cool".

(1) El canto del cisne (griego antiguo: κύκνειον ᾆσμα; latín: carmen cygni) es una frase metafórica que se refiere al último gesto, obra o actuación de alguien justo antes de la muerte o jubilación.

La frase se refiere a la antigüa creencia de que los cisnes cantan una bella canción justo antes de morir, después de haber estado en silencio la mayor parte de su vida. Esta creencia era proverbial en la Grecia hacia el siglo III a. de C., y ha sido reiterada muchas veces en el arte occidental. En la mitología griega, el cisne era un ave consagrada a Apolo, por lo cual era considerado un símbolo de armonía y belleza. Su capacidad limitada de canto era sublimada en comparación con los pájaros cantores comunes y corrientes (= rakatakas). En la fábula de Esopo «El cisne y el ganso» la confusión entre estas aves desaparece al escuchar la distinción del cisne. En el Agamenón de Esquilo (1444-5) Clitemnestra compara a la fallecida Casandra con un cisne que ha cantado su lamento final. El Fedón de Platón (84d) Sócrates confirma que, a pesar de que los cisnes cantan en los principios de la vida, no lo hacen de forma tan hermosa como antes de morir. Aristóteles señala en su Historia de los animales (615b) que los cisnes «son musicales, y cantan sobre todo en la proximidad de la muerte». Ovidio lo menciona en "La Historia de Picus y Canens" (Metamorfosis, libro XIV: 320-396): "Ella derramó sus palabras de dolor, en un mar de lágrimas, en tenues tonos, en armonía con la tristeza, así como el cisne canta una vez, mientras muere, su propio réquiem". El cisne está presente en las obras de Virgilio y Marcial. Leonardo da Vinci observó que el "cisne es blanco, sin mancha, canta dulcemente cuando se muere, y esa canción pone fin a su vida."


Y por cierto, hace unos días vi un pato o un cisne en Calidonia (?). Debe ser el animal símbolo de un famoso almacén de baratijas llamado La Oca Loca. Tienen en la acera al man vociferando, haciendo propaganda y fastidiando a los transeúntes. La próxima vez que pasemos por ahí en la tarde me fijo bien, aunque en teoría debe ser una oca. Pregunta sociológica que no se debe hacer: ¿Serían ellos capaces de hacer pasar un pato por oca? Falta hacer más trabajo de campo, poner a 50 veinteañeros a recabar datos bajo sol y lluvia; más tablas autogeneradas pifiosas y gráficas de diseñador cool, presentaciones por trabajadores de buena imagen a gente fina, todos vestidos de acuerdo a la ocasión.

Edit 2022-08-30 del Wikipedia 2022-08-06 10:57:00


Octubre 2022

That was kind of their brand, dark and sad but goofy and fun.


Noviembre 2022

Brio de Wire es Neurosis hecho pop de tres minutos.

Andrew Anglin Ye Back on Twitter, Exposes Jew Handler Who Threatened to Forcibly Hospitalize and Chemically Lobotomize Him
Republished from The Daily Stormer by The Unz Review
It takes bravery that most men can never even imagine to come out and do what he’s done. Imagine having that Jew say he’s going to have you forcibly committed to a mental institution and give you permanent brain damage. Ye didn’t know he was going to be able to avoid that fate. Where this personal trainer gets that ability in the first place is anyone’s guess, but he did it once already. Ye trusted that God would deliver him, and God did deliver him. I don’t know where this is all going, but it’s going somewhere. Right now, it’s the Jews’ turn to escalate. They appear to have convened the council before their next move.
Andrew Anglin Finding Mommy: A Journey Towards Finding Your Mommy
The Daily Stormer
More and more, I see neo-Nazism as a kind of very extreme male feminism that goes totally anti-social. They become filled with toxic simp energy and want act out in the street in mommy’s name. Neo-Nazism is the final form of feminism. Pantallazo
James Tucker The Left & Democracy
Counter Currents
The current Left consistently champions the power of small elites over more populist, or democratic, governance. It is credentialist and hostile to autodidactism. It makes constant appeals to “experts.” It distrusts anything outside of establishment institutions. It calls for “evidence-based policy,” as though policy could be developed without values. There is no room for disagreement or debate; all contrary opinions are labelled misinformation. Leftism has no regard for basic democratic and liberal principles like open debate, or the freedom of information and ideas. In their view this gives undue power to those outside its control — to the fascistic masses — who thus, paradoxically, become a threat to democracy. The Leftist vision of democracy is of regular, but carefully managed, elections where everything that voters can read, hear, or see is tightly controlled to ensure a predetermined result. Every form of election fixing short of ballot stuffing is not only admitted, but celebrated. Leftists have no moral qualms about this.


Diciembre 2022

Afuera de la casa todos roban.

Αριστείδης El Ministerio de Educación anuncia el programa para la educación en casa

Nuevo préstamo millonario para promover la «igualdad de género»

Se inicia el operativo de control territorial en la frontera con Colombia

La Esperanza
Periódico católico-monárquico
ANTES-DE estaba justo comenzando de corresponsal para el diario oficial de la Comunión Tradicionalista.
Spartaphyx logh___secret_santa_2019_by_spartaphyx_ddp211y-375w-2x
Deviant Art
El admiral Fritz Joseph Bittenfeld.
James Lindsay The Marxification of Education Workshop
New Discourses
The conference aims to communicate a summary of the main destructive trends in education today, all of which have Marxist and Maoist roots. Attendees will learn that with regard to education, Marxism is the what, and Maoism is the how.
James Lindsay The Theology of Marxism
New Discourses
In this groundbreaking episode of the New Discourses Podcast, James Lindsay dives into the Marxian literature, including the writings of Karl Marx himself, to show that Marxism should be thought of as a theology by clarifying how this theology works.
Moms for Liberty Social Emotional Learning: Guide for Parents
Archivo PDF
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) has systemically transformed education causing massive spending, declining mental health, plummeting proficiency rates, and concerning anti-American rhetoric.
Novus Ordo Watch In Germany, the Novus Ordo Sect is Finished Ratzinger is very much what the 19th-century Spanish priest Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany called a “moderate liberal” in his Vatican-approved 1886 book Liberalism is a Sin. Dividing liberals into extreme and moderate, he explained that the moderate ones are the most dangerous kind because they cloak their heresies under a guise of piety and orthodoxy. [Más]



  1. Vladislav Delay, Huone
  2. Uusitalo, Nokkonen Paivaunilla
  3. Luomo, Synkro
  4. Luomo, The Present Lover
  5. Junior Boys, In The Morning (Official Video)
