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EA Burtt, The Metaphysical Foundations of Modern Science

Iván Vélez, Hernán Cortés, La leyenda negra

Gustavo Bueno, La filmología

Sátira de los filósofos. La desheredada de Galdós, La regenta de Clarín, hay más en la literatura española del siglo XIX.

Contento de mundo

Fiction is theology/philosophy made enjoyable through fake scenarios. Proust is Bergson and Schopenhauer in fiction form for example. You have no brain power to enjoy fiction for what it can achieve.

Main Street by Sinclair Lewis is basically an exploration of what happens when women become college educated. It's from 1920 and is incredible. Wikipedia calls him a liberal but that's liberal in the old time sense; his view of women and gender is level-handed and neutral.

En The Greek Concept of Justice: From Its Shadow in Homer to its Substance in Plato (1978a) / Havelock.

Preface to Plato de Havelock

Nietzsche describe el pensamiento de Polibio, que teniendo en su mente al hombre de acción, dice que el estudio de la historia política constituye la más adecuada preparación para el gobierno del Estado y es la mejor maestra que, al recordarnos los infortunios de otros, nos amonesta a soportar con firmeza los cambios de la fortuna. 


La elocuencia de la que habla S. Agustín.

Funcionamiento de una academia

An important essay by the philosopher Max Scheler, entitled “The Human Being in the World Age of Equalization”, dates from the late 1920s.

Tertullian, On Patience

El informe minoritario del senado en 2008 que refuta al ecologismo (650 científicos)

We can observe a revival of the Theophrastian art of characterization through the various translations of his work, as well as a further development of the art through the Caractères of La Bruyère.

Meditaciones para los días de retiro / Destinadas a todos aquellos que se dedican a la educación de la juventud, y particularmente a los Hermanos de las Escuelas Cristianas en los días de retiro que tienen durante las vacaciones (

Philip Rieff, The Mind of the Moralist. If you read that book on Freud and psychoanalysis you know it is finished.

Karl Löwith, From Hegel to Nietzsche. Nobody seriously today can any longer be an historicist.

Some light has recently been cast on the problem of play in Plato’s work, as well as on the nature of play in general, by the Homo Ludens of Jan Huizinga, Homo Ludens (Basel, 1944).

In the new, very humane climate were written the Characters of Theophrastus (ca. 370–287), the successor of Aristotle as scholarch of the Lyceum.

José M. Alsina en su tesis doctoral, El tradicionalismo filosófico en España (1985).

Es posible que ésa fuera la razón de que Begoña Urigüen soslayase la cuestión en sede española en su, por lo demás, instructiva tesis doctoral Orígenes y evolución de la derecha española: el neo-catolicismo (1986).

Con motivo del primer centenario de 1789, Monseñor Freppel ―obispo de Angers― escribió un interesantísimo libro sobre lo que fue la Revolución Francesa y sus amargos frutos La Revolución Francesa con motivo del centenario de 1789, Biblioteca de «La Ciencia Cristiana», Madrid, 1889, p. 21-22.

Voegelin, Nietzsche and Pascal

Atila S. Guimarães’ books over the years. He is a brilliant Brazilian author, and his masterpieces are In the Murky Waters of Vatican II and Animus Delendi I and II (Desire to Destroy I and II).

The Undermining of the Catholic Church by Mary Ball Martínez (3rd ed., 1998)

W. Cleon, The Naked Capitalist

Benjamin Gitlow, The Whole of their Lives

John Robeson, Proofs of a Conspiracy

Sombart 1911 The Jews and Modern Capitalism

Theoretical superiority as a factor in the victory of Christianity over paganism in the Roman Empire, for instance, is strongly stressed in Charles N. Cochrane, Christianity and Classical Culture: A Study of Thought and Action from Augustus to Augustine (New York, 1944), esp. chaps. 11 and 12.

The technical superiority of Christian over Greek metaphysics has, furthermore, received careful treatment in Étienne Gilson, L’Esprit de la philosophie médiévale, 2d ed. (Paris, 1948), esp. chaps. 3, 4, and 5.

The continuity of development from Greek into Christian theoretical explication of experiences of transcendence, on the other hand, was clarified by Jaeger’s Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers.

In this contemporary debate comes to life again the great problem of the praeparatio evangelica that had been understood by Clement of Alexandria when he referred to Hebrew Scripture and Greek philosophy as the two Old Testaments of Christianity (Stromates vi). On this question see also Serge Boulgakof, Le Paraclet (Paris, 1946).

On the evolution of the meaning of psyche, see Werner Jaeger, The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers (Oxford, 1947), esp. chap. 5.

Through Henri Bergson’s Deux sources de la morale et de la religion the symbolism of “openness” and “closure,” of l’âme ouverte and l’âme close, has become an effectively differentiated part of the philosophers’ language that will allow us to speak unequivocally of the existential states of remembrance and oblivion.

I recommend Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s Humanisme et Terreur (1947).

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