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Samuel A. Nigro, M.D.
Social Justice 76 May/June 2001






A disease is any deviation from or interruption of the normal structure or function of a part, organ or system of the body as manifested by characteristic symptoms and signs: the etiology, pathology and prognosis may be known or unknown.

A disorder is a derangement or abnormality of function; a morbid physical or mental state.

Diagnosis: the determination of the nature of acme of disease; the all of distinguishing one disease from another.

— Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary

Homosexuality: exclusive or predominant sexual attraction to persons of the same sex with or without physical relationship. Record homosexuality as a diagnosis whether or not it is considered as a mental disorder

— International Classification of Disease,

(9th Revision, 5th edition, 2000)

Appendix B, p. 646.



In all society, in medicine, a disease is a disease, and a disorder is a disorder. From limp to stutter, most people can sense something is wrong when it is wrong. It is unpardonable to deny what is known and inhumane to collude in what is a serious injury to the body and to mental health. Of course, it is courteous to pretend that you did not see what you saw. It is decent to be tolerant and supportive of anyone affected and disabled in any way. But with courtesy or decency or not, a disorder is a disorder. Acknowledgement of such a disorder is not rejection or condemnation but truth. But unlike most people with other disabilities, activist gays ("homosexuals" in this paper except where noted) do not want support or help with adjustment but want a dishonest pretending that there is no disorder. But as with all disorders, the degree of the disorder usually is directly proportional to the obviousness of it and the denial about it.




Mankind has a terrible tendency to abuse the planet. The number of environmental planetary catastrophes created by man are too many to enumerate exhaustively. But a few come to mind quickly such as DDT, ozone, cigarette smoke, IUDs and oil spills. Similarly, the "pill" will also be found to have far more delayed detrimental effects and may include not only increases in breast cancer and diseases of women but a hormonal disruption of intrauterine fetal development predisposing to early puberty in girls, feminization of boys and homosexuality. No doubt, the biochemical intricacies will be identified in time although there is a massive longstanding insolent conspiracy to ignore the potential hazards of reproductive innovations. Incontrovertibly the history of mankind is to pollute the planet unwittingly, in spite of best intentions including the [line missing] However, mankind's tendency to pollute the planet is not only in the biochemical sphere but in the ethological realm also.


In all nature, sexuality is for reproduction. For humans, this means procreation and unition in support of the family. In this regard, mankind's emphasis on orgasm (sterile "ejaculation," i.e., jaculasis) is another example of human bankruptcy incompatible with the animal kingdom in nature. To emphasize a simple neurophysiologic reflex as a method of self-identity is a violation of humanity and fragmentation of humans from themselves, the species itself, the entire animal kingdom and all nature. No species could survive imitating human sexuality. The fruitless non-procreative and non-unitive (non-marital for humans) emphasis on sexual squirting is unplanetary.


In my 1994 pamphlet, Homosexuality, a Disease and for Gays, a Cult, homosexuality was subsumed under the generic term: "jaculasis" i.e., an involuntary, emotional, repetition-compulsion of a nonreproductive (and, therefore, "perverse" according to Freud) ejaculation reflex voluntarily professed to be essential to one's identity including all other paraphilias and related disorders.


Because jaculasis is a deviation and derangement of normal sexual function in that it is not reproductive but is excretory (relief) in activity, it should be recognized as "sexcretion," i.e., abnormal sexual behavior serving not a sexual, but a pseudoexcretory function. While excretory pseudosexual squirting is almost a social mos today, the common cognitive defect is in not recognizing that for all creatures on the planet and in the animal kingdom, real sexuality is only for reproduction (procreation and unition). Thus, sexcretion (especially jaculasis, i.e., the misappropriation of the male ejaculatory reflex) is another example of mankind's pervasive polluting of the planet. The "squirt-relief" sexcretory culture rampant today is unnatural, antienvironmental and pollution when compared to the rest of the animal kingdom for both homosexuals and heterosexuals in contemporary life.


Especially for females, non-reproductive sex is unfemale and "orgasm" is a pure atavistic imitation of the male ejaculatory response. Females "ejaculating" (orgasm) like males is not a natural phenomenon in the animal kingdom and is a rejection of female specialness replacing it by maleness. However, females are very vulnerable sexually. It appears that once females find out the male pleasure associated with playing with their penis remanent (the clitoris), they embrace a phenomenon totally out of synchrony with all other femaleness on the planet and they love it, i.e., being a "squirting man." In this regard, women are against themselves and the planet. The male ejaculation reflex has been unnaturally cultivated as if female. Never has women's inferiority to males been agreed with more than by those who claim that the imitation of male ejaculation is essential to female identity.


Basically, it is not only homosexuality which is a disorder, but all jaculasis as a social mos is behavioral pollution which desexualizes mankind; so most of what is called "sexual" is nonprocreative and nonunitive resulting in degenderization and sex-as-excretion (first described in my pamphlet Male/Female Differences in Natural Law of 1993). The outcome of this pollution is self-destruction, cultural annihilation, misinformation and a porno society, fruitless, loveless, purposeless, squirting voyeurism causing a massive morbidity of sexually transmitted diseases, un-being, un-reality, and alienation from the planet.


While some maintain that homosexuality is a "natural diversity" along with many other bizarre activities of subhuman animals, the evidence is shaky at best and cannot stand scrutiny. The book Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity by Bruce Bagemihl, is a scientific fraud and hoax as I have reviewed it previously (article available upon request — to be printed). Indeed, all efforts to "normalize" homosexuality and other deviant behaviors in nature require sham science and prevarication with the cognitive deficiencies so common in homosexuals.




If one does not believe the phenomenological and behavioral fact that homosexuality is a disorder in the natural realm of the animal kingdom and the planet, then one need look no further than the intrinsic cognitive deficiencies evident in homosexuals.


No matter how sweet, how shrill, how squealing, how "fantastically" equal, or how flouncingly effervescent unlike most others, more differences can be discerned in the thinking of homosexuals than in the common man (male or female). These differences are in excess of the common behavioral manifestations of homosexuality and are cognitive in nature. Cognitive differences are present in all homosexuality and absolutely document homosexuality to be a disorder over and above the functional derangement of sexuality. When it is biological, homosexuality is as much a disorder as diabetes mellitus. When psychological, it is as much a disorder as an obsessive/compulsive disorder. When psychosocial as a "choice," it is as much a disorder as any other learned habitual behavior which interferes with prosocial development and life. When it is a social phenomenon, it is a cult. Cognitive defects pervade across all etiologies.


Non-gay homosexuals prove exceptions, especially those who withdraw and avoid interactions with others as if embarrassed of their disorder. These homosexuals are the silent ones, discreet, who will agree with most of this article. They grudgingly accept their homosexuality as a disorder about which they can do nothing because of the lack of money for treatment or believing that there is nothing to be done. They are embarrassed, bewildered, and consider themselves "stuck." They hope for acceptance and decency and they deserve it. They disdain gay pride and know all the guy homosexual propaganda is wrong. They avoid speaking up. They do not like their disorder. They do not want attention. They want to blend in as if really "normal" which is the normal cognitive reaction of people with disabilities and disorders. Their resignation is complete. Like normal people with disabilities, they want to fit in without bringing attention to themselves. Indeed, these homosexuals are hardly ever recognized. They tend to be nice people and do well in whatever they do. They know the more obvious the disorder (those who bring attention to themselves), the more severe the disorder.


The cognitive defects in homosexuals are linked to their inability to understand themselves. If unable to know oneself, one is hard pressed to know what is not self, and, therefore, cognitive problems occur. Most often there is an impaired capacity for empathy, and usually cognitively blocked is the ability to understand that others have appropriate rights, legitimate feelings, and valid activities even if not in agreement with homosexual cant. Homosexuals typically often have an amazing simplistic blind bewilderment that someone could even disagree with them. Parading with prancing and squealing without self-understanding, without empathy and without tolerance, the cognitive defects will often evoke negative responses from others. These self-created negative responses are then derided by another cognitive defect which is defensive labeling, usually a name-calling, such as "homophobia" (See "Homophobia Newspeak," Social Justice Review May/June 1997). But most telling are the occurrences of ipsedixitism, i.e., impudent compartmentalized thinking such that truth and reality are excluded: I say it, therefore it is so. All these occurrences prove that homosexuality is an objective disorder beyond the unplanetary pseudosexual squirt obsession (sexcretion) dysfunction.




1. A major art museum hires a homosexual who is incapable of acknowledging that he has misidentified the origin of a work of art. He cannot admit he is wrong. He dramatically manipulates and ebulliently intimidates his colleagues into supporting him. But he is wrong, and his error can be corrected only after he leaves.


2. A new head of a department assumes control by removing all colleagues of his department from routine activities without ever even bothering to meet with them. This is blind social ignorance and ineptitude. Given positions of responsibility, homosexuals will often mistreat heterosexuals by what would be clear prejudice if done against them.


3. Likes attract and such is true whenever a homosexual is hired. Allow one in and it seems like binary fission. Soon there will be a disproportionate number of homosexuals far surpassing their incidence in the general population, and they will promote their cult. When given power, cognitively blind homosexuals will reverse discriminate against better qualified heterosexuals, and they will recruit. Whenever there are more homosexuals together than in the general population, there will almost always be homotoxicity. This phenomenon is proven in the Girl Scouts. Lesbians are especially eager to teach young girls the pleasure of being "male" by teaching them masturbation techniques. Under the guise of affectionate leadership, girls are quickly taught this male ejaculation-like pleasure and recruited into the homosexual life-style. The book On My Honor: Lesbians Reflect on Their Scouting Experience (1997), proves the complete corruption of the Girl Scouts. Often when the young girls grow up, they are so conditioned by their male sexual response pattern that they do not even care that they were grossly recruited into the lesbian life-style. (This is in contrast to males who resent the idea that they could ever be so recruited. Males tend to resist the idea that it could happen to them. Female homosexuals, intoxicated by the "male sex response experience," do not care that they were grossly recruited so long as they can keep on trying to squirt.) Anyway, to support the Girl Scouts is to support the corruption of minors and the homosexual cult known as lesbianism. The Girl Scouts do little but create lesbians, prostitutes, feminists, and misandrists. In general, when groups of homosexuals get together, one can expect them to promote their cult. Never has "penis envy" been more confirmed than by jaculasis in the Girl Scouts and other lesbian-feminist organizations. The cognitive defect is not only phallophilia but jaculomania. No doubt all comments for the Girl Scouts also apply to the American Association of University Women. Like a cancer, homosexuality spreads itself. (Instead of Girl Scouts, readers should support American Heritage Girls (513) 563-8244.)


4. Demonstrating massive self-discrediting intolerance, homosexual journalists and writers are unmerciful in their judgment and punishment of conservative heterosexual journalists. Mouthing fairness for themselves, homosexuals are blind to the self-discrediting prejudiced tyranny coming from themselves. Homosexual journalists and other murderous writers will rarely cover an issue fairly and will be editorializing almost constantly. Witness the egregiously skewed New York Times report that the Boy Scouts were no longer being funded and supported by public agencies. Another example is the Associated Press (a homosexual organization) giving national coverage to the murder of a homosexual but not to the savage murder of a 13-year-old boy by a homosexual group. Homosexual reporters, journalists and editors are totally unreliable and cannot get anything right. They have a disorder. Indeed, the usual treatment of homosexuals is proof of the incompetence and untrustworthiness of the liberal press and media.


5. The selfishness of the child molesting North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is almost delusional. Incapacity for empathy with normal children and their parents is at least psychopathic and can rightfully be called a circumscribed fixed psychosis. Also cognitively blocked into a social psychosis is the delusional denial that homosexuality can be dangerous. Only homosexual and cult supporters could ignore that it was a homosexual boys club leader who murdered sixteen school children and one teacher (and severely injured 14 others) in Dunblane, Scotland and that most serial killers [appear to? illegible] be homosexuals. Molesters of school boys are almost [always?] homosexuals. Homosexuals are sensitive to and understanding of violence only when it is directed against homosexuals. But savage homosexuals are denied as sex offenders which is a criminal degree of cognitive blockade endemic to NAMBLA and homosexual cult supporters.


6. Homosexual bath house grotesqueries and other "sex outlet/sex relief" excretory activities (sexcretion) are cognitively blocked from being recognized as bowel movement like conditioned reflexes. Linked to this is the egregious cognitive defect that social behavior for homosexuals is called "male bonding" when it really is a primitive atavistic analog to territorial marking by squirting subhuman animals. Furthermore, compulsive sexual activity as an excretory conditioned reflex results in psychological apathy almost proving that there is no "free will." Indeed, for homosexuals, there is no "free will" in their fraudulent "choice" because what they are doing is nothing more than conditioned reflexed gratification (which is not "freedom") in which the only real choice is: to refuse to go along with homosexuality by getting treatment to find one's true gender identity.


7. Homosexuals are also cognitively defective in perception. A jewelry store owner cannot help but put his hands on someone he is attracted to in a not-so-subtle pretense of sexual come-on but will dramatically feign denial of any such interest intended when told "get your hands off of me." After misperceiving someone's interest, grandiose denial of gross sexual interest is an appalling cognitive defect characteristic of paraphilia and paraphilia-related disorders with body image distortions. Homosexuals often perceive people as making passes when they are not. Others are extremely exuberant in professing their "normalcy." Others are quite misperceptive in their own sexual organs as being extraordinarily special.


8. Homosexuals often have trouble with numbers. For example, they are totally incorrigible in understanding that their numbers are not anywhere near the widely promoted 10% frequency when the real incidence is less than 2%.


9. A homosexual cognitive defect is no more evident than the inability to understand that most of the sexual acts they perform are incontrovertibly unsanitary public health hazards. The body is just not meant to be used the way homosexuals use it. None of the other animals do it except as idiosyncratic antievolutionary infrequent deviancies.


10. Homosexuals are cognitively blind if not basically phobic about the injury, pain and sadness their families have about the homosexual life-style even when the family has supposedly adapted to it. Linked to this is the repeated subtle helpless guilt pressure and shaming which homosexuals try to use against those who cannot accept homosexuality except as a disorder. Flagrant self-pity pressure violates decent mutual respect for those who maintain the truth of what homosexuality is, i.e., a disorder and a cult.


11. It is a cognitive defect to be oblivious to the fact that the intense pressure to get others to agree with gay subculture is a violation of the intrinsic personhood of normals. The pressure is disarming to those who want to love and nurture positive relationships with family members and friends who happen to be homosexual. But, basically, the inability of homosexuals to compromise in mutual respect and understanding is a cognitive defect. Linked to this is the homosexual corruption of the Boy Scouts which is a cognitive sin, if not pure evil. To accept homosexuality in the Boy Scouts is the sanctioning of sex offenders. Indeed, homosexuals have already reeked havoc on thousands (and some day many men will come forward and name names if they can get over their embarrassment). Indeed, every experienced child therapist has treated little boys molested (statutorily raped, really) by a covert homosexual network already in the Boy Scouts. Such usually occurs at scout camps rather than at troops' homesites. The destructive impact on these developmentally vulnerable little boys in states of fluid identity, deserves capital punishment for the perpetrators. "You did it once, so you are one of us" is a cult propaganda for the easily influenced. The criminal homosexual gang in the Boy Scouts promote the concept: "If seduced once, doubt will be created forever” After seduction, the second recruitment step is "You were born this way" when in fact, the child has been brainwashed reminiscent of Chinese indoctrination during the Korean War. Homosexuals consider the occurrence of the abuse to be proof of the child's homosexuality and how dare you suppress the child's "coming out!" Using the abuse event as proof of the child's homosexuality, they claim that there was no seduction. All this is a denial of personhood by a cultic conversion of little boys to gender confusion and homosexuality. To pretend this is not so is pathological denial. Indeed, never contribute to a group or vote for a person who will not fund the homosexual-free Boy Scouts.


12. Gay Pride (paraphilia) parades are essentially cognitive defects to the degree of "homosexual coma" in the Three Stooge genre. To accept what goes on in these events is a massive cognitive blockade of shame and conscience formation. Really, one must be cognitively deficient not to understand how flaunting, taunting, squirting faggots with chains, whips, nakedness and phallocaps are offensive to others. These "in your face" demands that homoerotic pollution be called "normal" are clearly impaired reality. It is bizarre that homosexuals believe that they are not disabled when they must flaunt grotesqueries or play the victim. Actually, homosexuals are "on stage" all the time by a fakery fixation, continuous childishness, perpetual playschool, compulsory thespianism, foppery families, and "let's pretend" life-style. Most commonly their flagrant effeminacy is an inverted fear of women and they are trying to demonstrate their harmlessness to the opposite sex (this is in contrast to lesbians who are eagerly seeking a male pleasure in gross "penis envy") — in other words, Great Affectations.


13. One cognitive distortion is their lack of understanding of privacy. While some homosexuals are discreet and do not try to violate everyone else's standards or create stress in others; many are flagrant in their impudent [missing] as if the concept of "privacy" is beyond them. Only the cognitively impaired (or a cognitively deficient group as a cult) would assault the privacy of others including disrupting people's religious ceremonies or promoting gross discrimination against the Boy Scouts when the latter assert their Supreme Court sanctioned right to free association.


14. The self-promoting stalking and harassing violence by gay activists is a total cognitive distortion. Indeed, to view gay togetherness in self-promoting events is like watching a bunch of unsupervised juvenile delinquents at a Halloween party. The shameless cognitive deficiency here is fundamentally a blindness to gross anti-social behavior. Likewise, the introduction of "homosexual education" programs into elementary schools is sheer corruption of minors, covert child abuse, dysfunction teaching and propaganda all cognitively deformed into compulsory masturbation programs known as "sex education." Linked to this is super sensitivity and criticism in being extremely vulnerable due to their own insecurity and uncertainty of self which makes them interpret all disagreements, including all "diagnosis and treatment" efforts as hostile threats. In gross cognitive deficiency, they proclaim this to be a "war" and respond with viciousness against the freedom of others. Some homosexuals seek the International Criminal Court (ICC) intrusion by an appeal which is itself a war crime against the religious and traditional beliefs of those who are merely committed to the millennia old truth that homosexuality is a disorder. One hopes that all Supremacist Courts (which most of them are) will never lose sight of the Magna Carta.


15. The denial that homosexuality is abnormal is a cognitive defect. To go around ostentatiously broadcasting their disorder demanding others accept it as normal is itself a cult like cognitive dysfunction — or, the same thing, Gay Pride. Homosexuals do not believe you can tell something is wrong and this may be the biggest Clintonesque cognitive defect of all.


16. The desire for "marriage" by homosexuals is a forced altruism, a facade, an imposture, a pathetic attempt to appropriate a name. One suspects what homosexuals really want, and are angry in the depths of their souls but cannot speak truthfully about, is to be a real family man or a real family woman. They are compelled to pretend. It is truly a cognitive deficiency and a war against nature to be unable to distinguish black from white, apples from oranges, male from female, self from childhood misanthrope or marriage from exciting infatuation. One must be cognitively impaired to claim that a male could marry a male or that a woman could marry a woman. (Indeed, if this is accepted in society, then there can be no reason that members of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals could not marry their pets because the outcome is the   same: unnatural use of genome code function rendering them “out of the universe”. See my article, “Marriage and Homosexuals”, Social Justice Review (March/April 1993, 56-57).


17. Another cognitive defect [missing] stand that love means more than the homosexual definition of love which is "excitement about helping one another squirt." To the contrary, love is a transcendental person-to-person commitment and not simply squirt-to-squirt. Love means sacrifice, going without, and putting up with each other's ugliness in a reciprocating Beauty and the Beast relationship for transcendental growth. In opposition, all homosexual studies reveal that homosexual couplings are rarely anything but impermanent and unfaithful because of transcendental illiteracy.


17. Homosexuals are cognitively unable to see the suffering of the children of homosexual couples. Oh, such children are pressed and must pretend that all is fine to the public and to journalists. But in the privacy of treatment sessions, children of homosexuals make very clear how they hate and are hurt, if not disgusted, by the relationships ongoing in their household. And it is a cognitive defect not to see the tension in gay parenting because it is clearly different from that of mother and father together.


18. A major cognitive defect is evident in homosexuals' inability to remember the origin of their gender defect. They take the easy way out to convince themselves (like a false memory) that they were born this way. In fact, proclaiming to be born this way is a cognitive defect which superficially saves the pain of thinking it through. For homosexuals, the origin of their disturbance is usually an over-identification with a persistent childhood "pretend friend" or "pretend enemy," as the case may be, never outgrown during a vulnerable gender identity distorting imaginary playmate phase of development reinforced by homosexual cult recruiters.


19. It is a cognitive defect to seek more and more intensely erotic substitutes, none of which will sustain satisfaction, and ignore the unsafe and unsanitary nature of the acts. Linked is the cognitive defect which projects responsibility onto others and onto society. Then, further cognitively impaired sua sponte homosexuals want society to pay for the treatment of their self-induced diseases and high mortality rates.


20. An unusual cognitive defect common to homosexuals is best described as the "victimee" concept. A "victimee" is a person with a self-promoted pretend victimhood created for selfish reasons. Homosexuals are often "victimees" in reference to World War. Yes, the Nazis did kill effeminate homosexuals, perhaps 5,000 in number, but at least 5 times that many were "ACT UP" homosexuals high in Nazi ranks or in Hitler's SS. Not 10% of the men who took over Germany in 1933 were sexually normal and the evidence for such was burned in the first notorious "book burning" of the Berlin Sex Research Institute. The fake victimhood for homosexuals in World War II is clearly a cognitive defect and an historical fiction.


21. Unable to reproduce, in cognitive deficiency and relying on the infernal pleasure reinforced suggestibility of mankind (especially developing youth in normal, fluid identity stages), lesbians vigorously recruit young women and male homosexuals recruit young boys [missing] recruiting, homosexuals are unable to recognize that what they are doing is criminal exploitation and child abuse. Without the responsibilities of real family people, homosexuals have plenty of money to promote their cult by pseudosexual social projects at teaching institutions, neighborhoods, etc. and by the use of expensive legal tactics warping justice so common in our alleged system of justice.


22. Further cognitive deficiencies are obvious in the following. Unable to tolerate rejection by others as a part of freedom, homosexuals respond with faggotism epiphenomena that evoke more repugnance. Unable to acknowledge an emotion filled inability to think, they ragingly deny to others the opportunity of making opposing rational claims. Unable to control feelings, they will not allow others to have feelings counter to their own. Unable to understand male person-to-person heterosexual bonding, they respond to it with massive cruising, unperson-to-unperson for any male possible. Unable to tolerate heterosexual grouping and professing of traditional manhood, they live out a caricature of "acting up," a phrase quite appropriate to the childhood false memories and degenderizing pretend playmates unable to be left behind. Unable to like what is likeable, they prohibit others from disliking what is dislikeable. Unable to recognize their own rejecting of normals, gays cannot abide rejection by normals. Unable to admit to their own phobia of heterosexuality, they project it onto others as a fiction called “homophobia.” Unable to get the traditional good life benefits from the gay life-style, they still try to impose it as equal to the traditional lifestyle. Unable to be secure, gays want sympathetic understanding and tolerance they themselves are unwilling to give. Unable to be secure in a pro-social accommodation to others, they use "come out, come on showboating" to feign how well the world adapts to them. Unable to be secure in their own being, they develop a repertoire of "look at me" maneuvers that mock genuine being, and when ignored and mocked back, they end up angrily offended. Unable to tolerate cure of their disorder, they resist therapeutic efforts to find their "heterosexuality" and true gender within.


23. The classic example of cognitive deficiency by homosexuals is the statement promulgated by the American Psychiatric Association on December 11, 1998. This cagey statement was made to reject "reparative therapy" for homosexuals. The illogical cognitive defects in the statement are well analyzed in my article "The American Psycho (nee Psychiatric) Association," Social Justice Review May/June 1999. The APA statement is psychopathologic in its cognitive defects as follows.


The phrase "depression, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior" is used to negatively describe occasional phases of reparative therapy when all are also seen with every [missing] is attributed to reparative therapists but is not recognized as an excommunication [missing] being in confluence with other social traditions and mores not universally accepted. The phrase "self-hatred already experienced by the patient” (meaning a homosexual) is amazingly blind to the identification of homosexuals as patients who hate themselves. And the phrase "harm caused to patients" as a possibility by reparative therapy is not seen as an equally possible occurrence for psychopharmacology, electroconvulsive treatment, and other psychotherapies. Basically, the statement against reparative therapy proves the American Psychiatric Association to be a nihilistic unprofessional banality. Only someone with abnormal thinking would have promulgated such a statement or missed the logical defects in it as well as the self-contradictory propaganda promoted. The cognitive deficiencies by the APA about homosexuality mock psychiatry, profane treatment, and promote mental illness. As in Nazi Germany, psychiatrists were the first executioners ever in the medical profession — "sickoanalysis" for sure. If this APA statement was not written by homosexual psychiatrists, then the cognitive defects of homosexuality are contagious, not surprising given the infernal suggestibility of mankind.


25. A final cognitive deficiency needing to be mentioned is that all of the above will be denied. Indeed, the problems homosexuals describe with the world around them are really problems within homosexuals themselves. They cannot understand that they are doing all of this. This is compounded by the fact that most heterosexual observers just let it pass because they know to confront and try to correct is to get into an amazingly intense bewildering cognitively blind hassle. Homosexuals are unable to understand themselves. This is truly a circumscribed impairment of reality and cognitive blindness of self-understanding which fosters their inability to understand others too.


The saddest phenomenon associated with denial of their disorder is the cognitive denial of comorbid psychiatric conditions, especially clinical depressions. Every year a young person will commit suicide which the homophiliacs will blame on society's "rejection" of homosexuality. But the real cause is "therapyphobia" rather than "homophobia." Of the 35,000 suicides each year in the United States, those occurring in homosexuals are no more due to societal attitudes than any of the other suicides or any more than society's attitudes could cause the occurrences of diabetes mellitus or cancer in homosexuals or anyone else.




Homosexuality, as well as all other contemporary sexcretion, is behavioral pollution, ethological antianimal kingdom and environmentally against the planet. Mankind is the polymorphous perverse species filled with "professional wrestlers of sex" on the way to necrophilia as outcome in a culture of disgust and death.


Furthermore, homosexuals have emotionally based lack [missing] wherein impudence and grand ipsedixitisms will pervade by a haughty hostile juvenile anti-intellectual “I said it therefore it is so!” Ebullient logical fallacies will be offered with any disagreement. Cognitively deficient, homosexuals are masters of suggestibility and are erroneously certain of their presentations. They make good "con men" because they are very convincing. They are often unflappable except to complain about "rights." There is a sense of entitlement to be different in anything they aspire to be different in. Just do not call it "different." Homosexuals are flooded with childish "magical thinking" projected onto the world around them. They practice rationalization to avoid treatment.


Homosexuals infiltrate and metastasize taking over any and every group possible by a compounding of their cognitive defects. Normal thinking people become bewildered and overwhelmed by more than one homothinker intractable in their homocant. This has already occurred in the Girt Scouts, some churches, the fine arts including drama, painting and sculpture, and almost all psychoanalytic, psychological and psychiatric organizations. When thwarted, they plead, "poor us" victimhood. When successful, they play Nazi which is how Hitler started, i.e., with a bunch of ACT UP homosexuals.


The cognitive deficiencies in homosexuals may be rightly described as calculated or thoughtless imprecision of language with a pretension of scientific objectivity wherein everything has a double meaning supported by self-appeal with ubiquitous theoretical dissent from reason and narcissistic escapist mutterings.


All the examples given confirm abnormalities in the gay way of thinking (which is often not thinking at all, but rather feeling and cognitive dysfunction). This disturbed way of thinking is disarming, puzzlingly charming in a bizarre sort of way, contemporarily "politically correct," and difficult to stand up to, especially when one is "trying to be nice" or is overwhelmed with the vigorous imposition of one bewildering effervescent cognitive defect after another. Normal people cannot stand it, shaking their heads asking "Do I really have to deal with this day in and day out?"


Homosexual couples cannot stand it either which is why they rarely stay together even with the mutual squirting compulsive sexcretory habits they all have. However, the cognitive deficiencies in both parties of the homosexual couple tend to neutralize each other in their carrying on. On the other hand, the deformed reasoning and cognitive deficiencies enable self-neutralization in a strange group-processing phenomena often evident. Nevertheless, homosexuals' cognitive defects are fundamentally consistent with an objective psychiatric disorder.


At the individual and personal level, a homosexual has a deficiency of transcendental intactness and cognitive dysfunction in that he cannot control himself having capitulated to a repetition-compulsion (habit and addiction) which he has unfortunately acquired (1) through developmental factors not his own fault; (2) through acquiescence and gratification linked to cult recruitment, and (3) to social and cultural reinforcements. The presence of involuntary emotional expression and the cognitive defects renders this individual to have an objective disorder or disease. There should be no condemnation here. The person must be helped and loved to wellness.


At the social level, gay homosexuality is a cult — a group-mind control process of persuading and influencing by untruthful excitement to destructive ends involving prevarication, deceptive recruitment, intimidating group pressures, and prohibition of leaving. This cult dimension is to be fought against.


If one wants to overcome homosexuality, it is a disease and current handicap laws apply. If one wants to espouse homosexuality, it is a cult to be labeled as such and guarded against.


The espousal of homosexuality by the press and media is worthy of comment in that the press and media have become a "fraud institution," not the "fourth estate" but the "filth estate." Only "abortion" exceeds "homosexuality" as a topic about which the press and media have been faithless to its professional principles.


Being aware of what is going on will help in understanding and dealing with homosexuals in a more forthright fashion. Genital based life-style (jaculasis) is a fiction. The more disturbed and obvious they are, the more obvious is their homosexuality and aberrant thinking. The greater the denial, the sicker one is. As usual, the most psychopathological aspect of any disorder is its denial.

Samuel A. Nigro, M.D.
Social Justice 76 May/June 2001